Control systems for WTE (waste-to-energy) plants

Many Utility Companies face problems related to process control. Supervisory systems, often obsolete, regulate plants according to simplified logics and this may cause instability and inefficiency. Moreover, the amount of data collected on the various variables involved in the systems is often not adequately used to know and continuously analyze the state of the chemical-physical processes, such as depuration and combustion.

Pursuing the control variables set points in a constant and timely manner translates into process efficiency. In this context, we have studied and developed prediction and control algorithms, able to respect the setpoints and increase the performance of the control system.

Hera Ambiente


  1. Increase the efficiency of the combustion processes of a WTE plant of the Group
  2. Minimize energy consumption


The applied predictive methodology consists in the use of algorithms for operative research and control, able to control the combustion processes, with heuristic logics. The anticipation of possible risks and criticalities has made it possible to keep the fixed set points stable and optimal.


The use of these methods has increased the efficiency of the WTE combustion processes, minimizing  overall criticalities and energy waste.